Legacy / Statement

Growing together in diversity for the benefit of all Europeans
Statement of WONCA Europe Conference 2017, Prague

Diversity has always been one of the most defining and intrinsic characteristics of the people of Europe. The tension between diversity and a desire for uniformity has been the source of many of Europe’s great achievements, but, when mishandled, has also played a part in some of its greatest failures.

Countries and regions can thrive when diversity is acknowledged and accepted, but as populations become increasingly varied, it is necessary for the political leadership to ensure that essential services, such as health care and education, are adapted, to meet the changing needs, and are delivered in a fair and accessible way.

Find more here.

Summary WONCA Europe Conference 2017 presentation

Thank You Video Spot

Before you Go, WONCA Europe Conference 2017 Toolkit

Dear WONCA participants,

On behalf of the Host Organizing Committee, we would like to thank you for the registration for the upcoming 22nd WONCA Europe Conference.

We hope you will find the conference to be diversified and productive event.

We would like to provide you an INFORMATION PACKAGE before your trip to Prague. You wil find HERE all the essential information on Transportation in Prague, Pre-Conference (VdGM) and the main Conference WONCA Europe 2017 with all the details about Registration, Scientific Programme including Plenary Speakers and Satellite Industry Symposia, Abstracts, Mobile Application, WIFI connection, Social Programme and a lot more important information...

We wish you a nice journey and look forward to seeing you at WONCA Europe 2017 in Prague!

WONCA Europe 2017
Conference Secretariat

Gala Evening

Place: Municipal House
Date: Friday 30 June
Time: 20:00
Price: 95 EUR

See more detailed information on the Gala Evening venue

Keynote Speakers

Invitation for Wonca 2017

Message from the WONCA World President prof. Amanda Howe with invitation for WONCA 2017 Prague Conference.

Welcome Messages


Dear Colleagues,

It is a great pleasure and honour for The Czech Society of General Practice to be a host organization for the 22nd WONCA Europe Conference, which will be held in Prague in the beginning of July 2017. WONCA Europe conferences have become the most influential events for general practitioners from Europe and elsewhere contributing to global awareness of the latest clinical primary care strategies and to the development of professional issues. We want to contribute to this tradition and even to push the quality and significance of the conference forward and to enhance the unique spirit of WONCA Europe.

‘United in Diversity’ is the official motto of the European Union. Having been already united in WONCA family we want to grow as a discipline in European diversity by learning from each other and exchanging experience and knowledge. This explains a theme of our Conference: “Growing together in Diversity”. It allows us to open all dimensions of the discipline.

We plan to prepare a balanced programme based on original abstracts, contributions suggested by leading international scientific networks, committees and groups recognised by WONCA. The conference will use state of the art technologies. Together with top key note speakers we want to reach this way the high quality scientific content of the upcoming conference.

You may know that during the last twenty years Prague, beautiful, easily accessible and affordable city has become a proven conference destination and general practice friendly place.

Make your calendar for Prague WONCA 2017!

Video Message

Address to participants of WONCA Europe Conference 2017 in Prague from prof. Botagoz Turdaliyeva, University of Alma Ata, Kazahstan.
City, where a significant declaration on primary health care was adopted, 39 years ago in September 1978.


15/07/2017 Find here on flickr PHOTOS from WONCA Europe Conference 2017.
15/06/2017 The 22nd WONCA Europe Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 28/06/2017-01/07/2017 has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with 15 European CME credits (ECMEC®s).
10/06/2017 If you want to improve your medical skills or try new instruments come to our Skills Lab Room .
01/06/2017 We are happy to announce there will be WONCA Run for Health again within the WONCA Europe Conference 2017.
23/05/2017 Practice Visits. See details about visitiing Czech GP clinics and take a close look at to the system of Primary Care in the Czech Republic.
29/04/2017 We would like to express our thanks to our PARTNERS for the support of WONCA Europe Conference 2017
21/04/2017 Call for chairs. The Scientific Committee welcomes offers from those willing to serve as Chair of Oral Sessions.
22/03/2017 All registered participants of WONCA EUROPE CONFERENCE 2017 will receive Free PUBLIC TRANSPORT TICKET (received on-site at the registration desk, the ticket will be valid within the dates of the conference).
25/02/2017 List of tours for the participants of WONCA Conference 2017 has been released

Important Dates

31/12/2016 Early Registration Deadline
15/01/2017 Extended Abstract Submission Deadline
28/06/2017 Conference Starts



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